Jumat, 23 Maret 2012

Yulita maulida/21209675/3eb13

Tulisan, Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2#

Here's 5 Cool Style and Gaul, but Risky For Your Health ..

There is a high price to pay if you want to look stylish and never out of style. High prices is not only measured by money, but also in terms of health. Various latest fashion such as jeans can be dangerous to health, such as pain, pain, bacterial infections and numbness.
As reported by Time.com, here are a few fashion risks that should be recognized so as to prevent yourself from illness and injury.

Tight jeans
Tight pants or belts that are too tight can cause nerve pressure, numbness, and gastrointestinal disorders. 
Dr. Octavio Bessa of Stamford, Connecticut, coined the term "tight pants syndrome."
Dr. Bess saw many patients experience abdominal discomfort, bloating and heartburn due to wearing ill-fitting clothes. 
Diagnosis is determined by comparing the size of the pants with the waist.Usually there is a difference of 7.5 centimeters or more.

Narrow shoes with high heels brings a lot of harm to health, which can change the shape of your foot, toes become crooked, nerve damage, fractures, and sprains to the ankle.
"The higher the heel, the greater the weight is thrown forward and placed on the leg, causing pain. 
The key is to restrict the use or wearing stiletto shoes with strong arch and a good weight distribution, "said John E. Mancuso, a podiatrist from New York City.

3. Thong underwear
Thong bikinis are similar to, but more minimal because only use hook-like piece of string. 
By wearing this outfit, the rough seam can cause a little friction sensitive skin. This friction causes the growth of fungal and bacterial infections.
"Warmer temperatures and activity of many moves to make the infection worse. 
Should protect your skin with products such as Aquaphor, vitamin E oil, safflower oil or olive oil, "said Dr. Deborah Coady from SoHo Obstetrics and Gynecology.

4. Tie
Tie a tight bond and a small collar that can interfere with blood circulation to the head, causing headaches, blurred vision and tingling ears. 
Statistics found that 67% of men buy a shirt that is too small a part of his neck, according to the Wall Street Journal.
A small collar will limit neck movement and increased muscle tension in your back and shoulders. 
What's worse, because it is not washed as frequently as other clothing, ties can be full of germs.

5. Earrings
Wall Street Journal reported that about 20% of body piercings develop into bacterial infections. 
In addition, jewelry or accessories that contain nickel which can cause rashes to people with nickel allergies. In addition, heavy earrings are also a problem. If used too often, it can pull or even tear the hole earring ear. This injury may take longer to heal and repair.

My opinion about the article above is that the style of fashion to ourpersonal appearance is important, and one also needs to keep upmode but should also consider their impact on the health effectswhen we use these complementary goods. Do not think about theimportance of style, and pretty expensive, but cause discomfort for the products we use it instead would damage the health of our bodies. So it is not necessarily expensive but suffer, significantconvenient, reasonable and not detrimental to health when you are taking.

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